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Ingrid-Deva GOPAUL

Ingrid-Deva GOPAUL, Nesa Communications Inc .

Membership number: NA-4718


The goal of Naturotherpy is to bring the body back into balance (homeostasis) along with the mind and heart. Often in our daily lives, we get caught up in moments of "spiraling stressors" such as work, family, finances etc. This can cause insomnia, anxiety attacks and indigestion just to name a few.
It is our belief that we can all harness perfect balance by tapping into the resources inside of us. It is beneficial to tap into this integral connection within us - the GPS system or Inner Guru.
We work with several modalities depending on individual needs:
Spiritual : Yoga, Meditation, , Spiritual life coaching, couple therapy
Balancing &Realignment; : Restorative and Prenatal yoga , "Crysun" balancing for pain such as migraines, nervous tension , muscle pain etc.

Available Services

  • Accompagnement psycho-spirituel
  • Aromathérapie
  • Coach holistique
  • Coaching de vie
  • Consultante en développement humain
  • Couple
  • Déblocage énergétique
  • Harmonisation énergétique
  • Imagerie mentale
  • Integrated Energy Therapy
  • Natural health consultant
  • Naturothérapie
  • Pré-natal
  • Relations humaines
  • Spiralogie
  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Weight management
  • Yoga
  • Yoga prénatal
  • Énergie

Ciel Infini

514 862-9642
514 862-9642