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François SAURO


Membership number: NA-4872


Nf COMPLICES SANTÉ| François Sauro's NATUROTHERAPIST CERTIFIED in hormonal imbalances management.


* Certified high quality health products
* 100% made in Québec
* No food additive added
* Delivery to your home by Canada Post into 48 hours week time

As a NATUROTHERAPIST in weight management, I help people to reduce excess weight and fat by managing hormonal imbalances, healthy eating, natural health products and physical activity.

You wish to correct and looking for:

** Lose fat, weight or cellulite
** Optimizing the hormonal balance
** Increase the level of energy and feeling of well-being
** Improve recovery and sleep
** Improve digestion, assimilation and elimination (body acidity and water retention)
** Improve stress and mood management
** Reduce inflammation at the organic and joint level
** Reduce symptoms of menopause
** Improve concentration and general performance

You’ve tried several diets but have gained weight again?

Did you follow one of these low-calorie diets where you lost more breasts than waistlines?

Are you in good shape and have a good pace of life but your hips and thighs remain fat?

Or your weight problem becoming a health issue?

I don't promote a diet but much more an amazing method of weight management by identifying your hormonal imbalances . You will go at your own pace, each person has a unique metabolism. It is a question of respecting it according to your profile and morphology.

You will get all tools for the overall management of your healthy weight. The lasting changes in your lifestyle will help you restore the necessary body balance and the silhouette that will make you proud!

By making a personalized weekly follow-up, I will accompany you in these changes. Once your objectives have been reached, the follow-ups will gradually become less frequent. You will take advantage of the various tools that we have created to measure to help you on your journey, such as:

* A nutrition program adapted to your hormonal imbalance.
* A range of f natural health products adapted to your profile.
* Advice for effective food rehabilitation

As Personal Trainer, I offer Personalized Exercise Programs, adapted to your health condition. I can also help you lose weight, tone your muscles or gain muscle mass safely.

Do not hesitate to communicate me with confidence.

Looking forward to contributing to your health!

François Sauro
Certified Naturotherapist and Personal Trainer

Available Services

  • Activité physique
  • Alimentation
  • Approche intégrée en gestion de poids
  • Coach en gestion de la santé
  • Coaching en alimentation holistique
  • Conditionnement physique
  • Digestion
  • Désintoxication
  • Détoxication
  • Entraînement
  • Gestion du poids
  • Modulation Hormonale
  • Naturothérapie
  • Nutrition
  • Nutrition sportive
  • Personal Trainer
  • Supplémentation
  • Training
  • Weight management

François Sauro - nf Complices Santé

1055 boulevard Séminaire Nord, suite 303, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, J3A 1R7
450 359-6161
438 390-9170