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Nicole LEBEL

Nicole LEBEL, Nicole Lebel, consultante en optimisation cérébrale

Membership number: NA-7262


What is brain health coaching?
Life at high speed, responsibilities and deadlines that pile up on top of each other, very busy schedules... we think we can juggle all that, but over time, we get exhausted! Stress, fatigue, demotivation, mental fog... Do you wonder how to recharge your batteries? How to take really good care of yourself? You may have a hint, but do there really is some methods that help to feel fitter, have a clearer mind, develop healthy habits and stick to them, feel energized, but relaxed? Yes, it exists!
As a brain health coach, my role is to accompany you on the path of your life, so that it becomes more satisfying than ever and that you finally glow with brilliant health.