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Will V. BOURGEOIS, Will V. Bourgeois - accompagnement somatique

Membership number: NA-7660


Will Bourgeois offers somatic support in the tradition of Somatic Experiencing and Mind-Body Coaching. Prior to this, Will trained in psycho-social intervention, consolidating what they had learned over more than a decade of organizing and helping people in community settings. Indeed, they have devoted most of their adult lives to involvement in collective struggles for social justice, particularly in solidarity with indigenous sovereignties and in contexts of transformative justice and conflict healing. For many years now, they have been cultivating a holistic approach that integrates individual well-being with a collective, ecological vision of healing. They aim to accompany each person and group they work with on a journey of deep and lasting transformation.

Their somatic approach is enriched by their experience of meditation, which they have practised since the age of 12, and, in recent years, by their assiduous practice of qi gong, which they currently teach at the Clinique Acupunture Sociale Hochelaga.